Events Calendar

Older Driver Safety

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Name: Older Driver Safety
Date: August 6, 2019
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Older Driver Safety 

Driving is a connection to our independence. For many older adults, the greatest fear is losing their ability to drive a vehicle. This one-hour presentation provides guidance on maintaining your independence to continue driving and also educates older drivers, family members, healthcare providers, and law enforcement officials on laws, medical issues, and safely concerns. Increasing age is not an indicator that you have to stop driving, but a time for assessing and making adjustments. This class is open to the public and everyone is welcome to participate. This program is sponsored by a grant from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office. Registration is required.

Please contact the Central Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative at (405) 271-6426 or email
Stillwater Public Library
1107 S. Duck street
Date/Time Information:
August 6th at noon
Contact Information:
Central Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative (405) 271-6426 or email