Events Calendar

2021 Agribusiness Committee Meeting

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Name: 2021 Agribusiness Committee Meeting
Date: September 14, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
The Chamber's Agribusiness Committee focuses on community outreach and education in agriculture. The committee has increase this outreach to include business persons and school-aged children to teach them the impact agriculture has in Payne County. 

Chair: Brent Demuth, Payne County Bank  

Presenting Sponsors:



Premier Sponsors:

Frontier Realty

Payne County Farm Bureau

Harrison & Mecklenburg

Stillwater Milling Co. 

P&K Equipment

The Bank N.A.



Friend Sponsors:

Kwik Kar  Simmons Bank
Metro First Realty Unlimited  Stillwater Steel & Supply
Payne County Cooperative Extension Oklahoma Community Federal Credit Union

Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
409 South Main
Date/Time Information:
Second Tuesday on the month
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.